A renowned electronics brand, much of Shahs’s 75 years of history is tied to the city of Chennai. Serving several generations over the course of 7 decades had transformed Shahs into a landmark that is uniquely Chennai. But with the infiltration of online retail, it was becoming harder for the brand to retain the same significance in its customers’ lives. One MG’s team intercepted at this crucial juncture to give Shahs’s brand communication a much-needed makeover with special focus on its digital presence - not just to boost relevance but find memorable ways to connect with Chennaites.
Kickstarting our collaboration with a bang, Shahs launched ‘Experience vs Size’ - an exclusive campaign for LED & LCD TVs that fossilized a new, distinct voice for Shahs. While addressing immediate business needs, our digital marketing experts crafted a messaging that transcended the barrier of deals-centric communication garnering 25% YoY increase in sales across an ‘off season’ month.
With Shahlalala Fest, we conceptualised a dynamic campaign that spoke to a younger audience - exploring newer mediums to cascade the brand's outreach across platforms like OTT and TikTok. Our strategy was reinvented to capture and entice a younger audience.